get acquainted with what it means to speak up, organise and grow positive change in your workplace.
Do you think your organisation could be doing better on reaching their climate goals, their diversity targets or taking a stand on sensitive political issues? But you don't know where to start? Speaking up in organisations can be scary, even dangerous. An organisation is not a democracy. But many countries in Europe do have formal worker representation built in to organisations. They are called Works Councils.
So, how can Works Councils be proactive in raising these issues? In this two-hour introductory session, we'll dive deeper into how to connect with Works Councils to raise your employee voice and move to positive, collective action on social and environmental issues - even when it's not part of your job description.

For activist professionals and courageous managers.
60 min Interactive Community session
In this 60-min introductory session, we'll talk with two experts, Antoine Clement and Stephanie Felten, about the power of a proactive Works Council.
We'll look at the potential that Works Councils have in different European countries to facilitate larger social change within and across companies.
We'll talk about how they work, whether you can become a member, and if not - how to collaborate with Works Councils to raise employee voice on things that matter to you.
And Works Council members, stay tuned as we talk you through how to progressively interpret and use the legal powers of the Works Council, including its “Right of Initiative”, to collectively implement change on large social issues like climate justice, DE&I, and the future of work.

This Community Session is free.
To join this introductory session on Thursday 23rd May from 16:00 - 17:00. Pllease register The session will be online and in English and will be moderated buy Tessa Wernink, co-founder of the Undercover Activist.
Please make sure you join from a laptop or desktop with a stable internet connection, and a quiet place where you can join the interactive break-out’s without being disturbed. We'll send you the Zoom link a few days before the session. Please note, you will not get a confirmation of sign up, so please add the date to your calendar!

Speakers in this session

Antoine Clément
Developer at World-wide software company, Works Council member committed to making a positive impact on the world. Read more about Antoine here.

Stephanie Felten
Expert on Labour Relations. Provides strategic and operational advice for Works Councils and their committees in multinational corporations in the Netherlands. Read more about Stephanie here.