Join OUR online course:
Positive Workplace Activism
For changemaking Professionals
Go from undercover activist to positive activator in just 6 weeks and start changing your company from within.
Next Course: 12 March - 16 April 2025
Your learning journey will include: ​​
6-week guided programme on employee-led change
6 group practice session. (weekly 90 mins online sessions - Wednesdays)
6 online modules and creative learning environment for group collaboration
5 business activist stories, 5 explainer videos and several reflection exercises
Original Action Plan canvas
Closed peer group for coaching and feedback
Course fee:
€847 (incl. VAT) for businesses advocates
€484 (incl VAT) for individual changemakers
Sponsored places available, send us a request.

YOU are a dedicated professional. You want to be part of the solution to combat the interrelated challenges of climate change, inequality and social injustice. The company you work for is not changing fast enough. You might even feel you are becoming part of the problem and are wondering what you can do differently.
You have a choice. Either you stay and silence your voice. You leave and try working somewhere else. Or, you try changing your company from within.
We train dedicated professionals to become workplace activists. We see an increasing need for the millennial professional’s voice to be heard and be a stronger force in driving the big transitions needed to build a regenerative economy.

If your CHALLENGe is how to DRIVE positive change without burning out, leaving or getting fired, then this course is the right place to start. our aim is to help you change your organisation from within.
During our 6-week course you identify the area of change and we help you take action. We will use the power of storytelling, reflection and practice and build skills that help you take on a meaningful position of influence within your organisation.

Awareness of self
You will practice self-reflection and connect mind and body to recognise your triggers and resistance and take better care of your energy flow.
Campaigning and organising mindset
You will co-create a plan for change, experimenting and iterating and moving from words to action with each new insight.
Campaigning and organising mindset
Campaigning and organising mindset
Practicing positivity in life
and at work
Read stories of other activist leaders and recognise you are not alone. With one step toward accepting if not embracing your role in the system you will feel more energy and positivity.
Intergenerational and systems perspective
You can recognize the role of time for change processes. Know when to be patient and when to take action.

Our approach means working with the head, heart and hands to create an embodied learning experience.
You will become more effective, start a peer network and learn ways to take care of yourself. We embrace the urgency of your cause, and add a bit of humour and creativity.
What you will get

Videos + audio fragments
Listen or watch videos in your own time each week. Each module contains visualisations, stories, reflections.

Frameworks and canvasses
You can work together through online co-creation tools on your personal canvas and help others with their plan. Practice your new skills in a safe learning environment

Interactive online meet-ups
Time together for coaching with Veronique and Tessa and break-out sessions for more in depth learning.
Four - six hours per week on course materials
We work with a class and release new materials each week. The content of each course will be available for three months after the course finishes.
All the topics are connected. To prepare for the week ahead, we will leave you with a question to consider before moving on to the next topic.
Course content
The online course spans six weeks, and each week new visual and audio content and assignments will take you and your cohort on a journey to connect to your cause, organise people around you and influence your business.
Each participant will identify an endeavour or area of change within their organisation. You will immediately practise your new skills, using on- and offline tools like canvasses and creative frameworks, finishing the 6 weeks with a actionable plan.
The course contains 6 modules, 6 x 90 minute online meetings, Personal Feedback froM your fellow participants and your coach
Expect 4-6 hours of coursework each week.
2024 Class Starts 1ste October and runs till The 8th of November.
Sessions are on Wednesdays from 16:30 - 18:00 CET.
First session: 12th of March
Last session 16th April.
In the event that you can't make it to a session, they will be recorded and shared with the group.

Each module will start with a visualisation. A short meditation to connect with the week’s topic.

Learning Goals
You will receive a syllabus with the course materials, the learning goals and a tool to measure your progress.

Stories are a big part of the way we learn and each week, we will include real stories from activist employees.

Your syllabus will offer reading on each topic as well as suggested links for people who want to go in depth into topics of interest.

We include a short exercise each week in which you can take a little time to reflect on what you have read. To truly make it yours.

Using creative frameworks and canvasses, we co-create with the class and write down new ideas and actionable items you can use immediately to forward your cause.
Course fee (incl. VAT):
business budget: €847,00
personal budget: €484,00
Next Online Course starts on: 12 March 2025:
*Everyone should be able to get support. So, if you can't afford the fee, please contact us. We'll make sure we can accommodate you.